Projects - #beethoven2020

My new album “Lascia vibrare... – Solostücke I” will be released by Kreuzberg Records in the fall. The musicians are renowned instrumentalists from the new music scene, to whom most of the compositions are dedicated. Unfortunately, as is so often the case, not all expenses have been covered, so I would ask you to do so: Buy a CD now at special conditions and become an active part of the team!

Häuser - Zeilen - Umbrüche
Häuser - Zeilen - Umbrüche

A multimedia stage play for soprano, synthesizer, samples, video and dance based on own texts and poems.

The idea to create a multimedia song cycle from my own poems and text fragments, which have not yet been published, arose in the spring of 2022.

Sheet music Bethoven_off_set

After five years of intensive work and research, I completed my approximately forty-minute orchestral work in the summer of 2020. The classical instrumentation of the "Ninth" will be juxtaposed with a contemporary music ensemble that takes the sounds of Beethoven and transforms them into the language of our time. A video trailer about the creation of the project will be released in January 2021.

A video project by Dana Widawski with music by Andreas F. Staffel for the Beethoven Jubilee Year 2020 - The video project 'Elise, shut up!' is a dialogue between Dana Widawski's sound sculptures and Andreas F. Staffel's music, something to be naturally seen as well as heard. A pianist and hands on six musical boxes fight a duel for and with Beethoven's melody 'For Elise'. The mechanics of the musical boxes are placed in consoles, each of which bears anonymised busts of other famous composers, though only Beethoven himself can be heard in the ensemble.

Destillationen (2017) for soprano, piano, live electronics and playback. Song cycle based on the book of poems of the same name by Gottfried Benn.

The works of the expressionist poet Gottfried Benn have occupied me for many years. I have set "Aprèslude", my favorite poem, to music in two different ways, both as an instrumental ensemble piece and as part of an experimental song cycle.

Brecht auf! - 3 songs based on love poems by Bertolt Brecht (1999 - 2012, arr. 2018)

The study of Brecht's poems about love spanned a period of more than twenty years.

The successful premiere was in 2012 at the Brechthaus in Chausseestraße Berlin with Margarete Huber and Jan Kobow. Since then, the songs have been repeatedly included by singers in their repertoire.

The composition was written between 2008 and 2014 and is constantly being developed further. The free madrigal form, whose secular texts almost always contained themes of love, nature and death, is expanded to include a number of new points of reference. The idea behind my composition is to combine the seemingly banal aspects of everyday human life with the stylistic devices of artistic modern choral singing.

The "Kitschresistent" project is a lovingly ironic examination of the products of popular music and the so-called modern-classic music industry. Here, common "feel-good patterns" are increasingly taken out of their comfort zone and alienated.

Nagoya (2023)
Nagoya (2023)

Andreas is an internationally sought-after lecturer and has given masterclasses in China (2002-2007), Kyrgyzstan (2013), Portugal (2017), South Korea (2023) and Japan (2023), among others.

He collaborates with renowned universities and with graduate and undergraduate students. His work focuses ...

Prize-winning project from the Festival Ankunft Neue Musik - Operare (Berlin Central Station)