3 songs after love poems by Bertolt Brecht (1999 - 2012, arr. 2018)
Lisa Stöckens, sopran
Stephan Goldbach, double bass
Festival EnCounterpoints, Wabe Berlin (12.05.2019)
The study of Brecht's poems about love spanned a period of more than twenty years. The first song was composed in 1992, the last of the eight songs in 2012, as was the cycle Terzinen über die Liebe. In 2017, an arrangement for soprano and double bass was made for the duo Lisa Ströckens and Stefan Goldbach.
The successful premiere was in 2012 at the Brechthaus in Chausseestraße Berlin with Margarete Huber and Jan Kobow. Since then, the songs have been repeatedly included by singers in their repertoire. Other performers include Lisa Ströckens, Yvonne Friedli, Katia Guedes, Jochen Voigt and others.
2015 saw a performance at the Centro Cultural Sao Paolo Brazil and at the German Embassy. In 2020, the tercines about love were arranged for mixed a cappella choir.
Lisa Ströckens | soprano, Andreas F. Staffel | piano 1.12.2018 Potsdam (Private location)
From: 8 songs after love poems by Bertolt Brecht (2012)
Composer: Andreas F. Staffel
Lisa Ströckens | soprano, Andreas F. Staffel | piano
1.12.2018 Potsdam (Private location)
Preview of the online presentation of the third movement (III. Adagio molto) of Beethoven_off_set on 26.02.2021
Lisa Ströckens | Soprano
Andreas F. Staffel | Piano
1.12.2018 Potsdam (Private location)
From: 8 Songs after Love Poems by Bertolt Brecht (2012)
Sieben Rosen hat der Strauch / Sechs gehörn dem Wind / Aber eine bleibt, dass auch / Ich noch eine find.
Sieben Male ruf ich dich / Sechsmal bleibe fort / Doch beim siebten Mal, versprich / Komme auf mein Wort
Weitere Lieder findet man auf YouTube (Kanal AndreasStaffel)