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Requiem (Chants of the shut-ins)
Für Bariton, Sopran, Ensemble (16 Instrumente), Video und Elektronik
nach Gedichten u.a. aus Amerika, Afghanistan, Belarus, China, Indien, Iran, Nigeria, Palästina und Ukraine
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About „Vom Hölzchen aufs Stöckchen“ ("From sticks to sticks")
My composition "Vom Hölzchen aufs Stöckchen" for four percussionists is about organic processes in nature that are reflected in music. Tiny little rhythmic and melodic cells grow into ever more complex structures that spread out and intertwine into large areas.
Read more … About „Vom Hölzchen aufs Stöckchen“ ("From sticks to sticks")
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About Clairière (Clearing) for orchestra (2021)
"Clairière" (from Latin clarus: "action of clearing, clearing up").
Clearing in ordinary language means something like "forest clearing" ... to clear a wood is to cut some trees in the forest, opening a clearing.
This heart center is probably the clearing itself; however, it is not an external destination, such as a distant place that one reaches after leaving one's own place of residence, but a place that has always been near, which one nevertheless glimpses only rarely and suddenly by entering the depths of the forest.
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About my four Diotimalieder
Die Beschäftigung mit Hölderlin begann etwa mit 16 Jahren. Zu jener Zeit schenkte mir meine damalige Klavierlehrerin das Buch Hyperion. Seither habe ich viele seiner Gedichte gelesen, und einige kommen mir immer wieder zu Bewusstsein, wie etwa das berühmte: Hälfte des Lebens, Mein Eigentum, An die Parzen oder auch die späten Scardanelligedichte.
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About Beethoven's Ninth
and the necessity of Beethoven_off_set
One of my earliest encounters with the master composer from Bonn was a long-playing record, a gift from my mother. It had three of his warhorses: Moonlight Sonata, Pathetique and Appassionata, played by Daniel Barenboim, surrounded by an idyllic mountain landscape.
Read more … About Beethoven's Ninth
and the necessity of Beethoven_off_set